We'll run some tests.
Alert X-ray for a CAT scan.
Call the lab.
We need a complete blood work-up.
John Doe.
Here we are.
Internal Affairs.
Detective Sergeant Goodhart.
My name's Andrea Stewart. I'm calling
from the L.A. Coma Research Center.
I'd like to speak to
Captain O'Malley, please.
What is this in regards to?
I have a John Doe coma patient,
code access 461 -Zebra. . .
. . .with instructions to notify
in case of change in condition.
What's the change?
The patient has come out
of a coma after 7 years.
Nolan, get Hulland, quick.
I'm sorry, Captain O'Malley's
no longer with this division.
I'll take the information.
And please, contact
no one else on this matter.
It would be better
for the patient's welfare.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the President of the United States.
President Bush has caught
the public eye with his antics.
From throwing the first ball
on opening day...
... to kissing a pig
for the farmers ' affections.
George Bush is becoming
a real crowd-pleaser.
This is Andrew Louis
for Cable Hospital News.
What year is it?
-Try not to talk.
-What year is it?
It's 1 990.
Your charts go back for 7 years.