That's Sonny, all right.
The kid's a track star.
He does the hundred in 1 1 flat.
He's going to be real fast,
like his old man was.
What do you mean "was"?
I'm not over the hill.
At least, I hope not.
How'd you pull this off?
He made it to my house
the night you were shot.
I got him hidden, played it out
like he was dead. . .
. . .staged his funeral
with yours and Felicia's.
Everybody bought it.
Where is he?
ls he safe?
Ventura Trinity Prep School,
under my mother's maiden name, Wade.
No one has any idea that he's your son.
So that was your mother that Andy found.
Your nurse friend? Yeah.
She left a number and I traced you here.
I don't know how to thank you.
I have no words.
Just seeing your ugly ass alive
is enough for me.
That night in the hospital. . .
. . .I found the audio tape in your vest.
I must've played that tape 1 000 times. . .
. . .Iooking for little quirks
in the voices, phrases that repeat.
Where is the tape?
-I turned it in for evidence.
Don't worry, I made a dupe.
Meanwhile, I thought you'd
take some pleasure in this.
And there's more in the car.
You were not wrong, my friend.
You were not wrong.