Internal Affairs

OK, but wait till pay day next month
I told you he would make the best
undercover cop

Now that you're in the cadet school
you should follow the rules

we'd better stop it
We're gonna lose for sure

Those who break the rules will be
like him

You are kidding, right?
They will be expelled
What else can we do? It's deadly business
Who wants to trade place with him?
Boss said he had found the mole
He told us to take care of him

I'll be right there
I do
271 49
this is a long-term undercover mission

Your records in the cadet school
will be erased

Only Superintendent Wong and
I know of your identity

This mission is highly dangerous
is that clear?

Keep an eye on SP Wong
Yes, sir
Sir, I can't stand it any longer
I'm either harassed by cops
or beaten up by gangsters

4927, you are still a rookie
Give me a good reason
why I should promote you

You two, take the stairs
Hang on?
Why don't you go hang yourself instead?

Keung, take the elevator
I won the Silver Whistle Award
at the cadet

Anyone knows you're seeing me today?
and have received numerous kudos as
an officer

They are downstairs now
I am confident I can lead the police force

OK, I got it
Move forward
Hurry up
Please go over there to take your mugshot
What are you doing?
Put it away
