Internal Affairs

I speak Thai. I know what they're saying
Yes. They are bitching at the boss
What are they bitching about?
Those Thais at Lung Koo Bay
are freezing to death

You know they can't stand the cold
That's right
You're sharp
My Master always said that about my life:
What thousands must die so that
Caesar may become great

You choose your own future
That's what you have chosen
Cheung, call Elephant
Goods to be delivered at Lung Koo Bay
Boss, I found it
Tell Keung to check the goods
And make sure no one is around

Not a soul
A boat is approaching
Probably for checking the goods

Coffee for you
The cocaine is all here
Keung, are you an idiot or what?
He's waited a long time for you
I heard it
Tell Keung to shout a loud
that the cocaine is his

Keung, the Boss
asks you to shout aloud that the cocaine
is yours

So it's you?
The cocaine is yours
