Waited for you for a while.
It's you.
How's the Hi-Fi?
Not bad.
You should turn on your diode audio amplifier...
for 10 min to get a sweet sound.
Should I salute to you again?
Forget it.
How long have you been a mole?
I have been with Sam for 3 years.
Before that, with other bosses.
And it counts up to 10 years or so.
10 years?
Then it's me who should salute.
An identity will do.
All I want is to be a everyman again.
You won't understand unless you has been a mole.
It's a pity we can't find out the mole.
I'll definitely kill him when I find him.
The bed has arrived
Is that so? Comfortable?
Don't worry so much. I'll give you an identity.
You want to try it?
Don't be silly. I have work to do
Let me open your archive, but I...
...haven't got the password.
Think about it
What's the Morse code for "undercover"?
No, I can't
Come on
So simple?
I'll be free next Saturday
We can try it then
OK, next Saturday then