May the Buddha protect us
My success today really depended
on the sacrifices of numerous others
However I'm not happy about it
I always believe that for gangsters like us...
One's life shall only depend on oneself
You are the ones who have been under
my command for the least time yet
Your records are still clean
You shall choose your own futures yourselves
I wish...
you guys work well in the police department
Officers, cheers
27149 you have been here tne minutes ago
How many files are there on my desk?
Six four pink ones on the left
one red and one white are on the right Headmaster
How do you feel about me?
Sorry, I'm not sure
But, sir, you seems to be in a hurry today
Since you wear the socks wrong
27149, go out for a while
Yes, Headmaster
five hundred bucks fast!
okay I'll give me at pay time next month