All set
A Triad member
Where's my tea?
You're great
How did you know it's Mo's hideout?
Hello, yes
No problem. OK
Sorry guys, over time tonight
Our target tonight is a drug trafficking
In an hour's time
they will be trading with a Thai seller
Cash will be handed over in the building
across the street
in a unit on the 3rd floor
Where the goods will be delivered is
still unknown
CIB shall tag the target
and tap the phone lines
Our unit will not take action till
our mole has pinned down the delivery location
Let's take a look at our principal stars
Here are our principal stars tonight:
Hon Sam, Chen Wing-yan, Del Piero
We've been watching them for a long time
We'd better nail them tonight
OK? No more questions?
Let's get to work
Sorry for paging you so urgently
But our mission is kept confidential till
the last moment
No problem
Do you have confidence?
Yes, it should be OK