Is that so? Comfortable?
You want to try it?
Don't be silly. I have work to do
Think about it
No, I can't
Come on
I'll be free next Saturday
We can try it then
OK, next Saturday then
Up already?
We just tested the bed
and you are working again?
I'm very hardworking
What are you writing now?
The more I think of it, the more
pathetic the main character appears
Pathetic indeed
Perhaps I should make him a happier guy
Should I turn him into a good guy?
Even though he is good
he has done bad things
So how should it end?
That's a good question
I'll leave this to you writers
You're not going to sleep?
Help me, please
Help me, please?
I can't
Go to sleep. You are tired
From now on
follow SP Wong around the clock
Piero, I know how to spot a plainclothes
If he seems to be doing something
but is paying attention to us instead
then he is a cop