
- Hey, what's this?
- Looks like a geek wading pool to me.

- What are you two girls doing?
- Look at the dam, a stupid baby dam.

- Why did you do that?
- Because I felt like it. Give me that.

- That's for my asthma.
- That a fact, sissy?

- Leave him alone.
- Shut up, you little creep.

I said, stop that...
...or I'll pull your ears
and tie them under your chin.

- You seen a fat kid here?
- No.

- Big fat kid, all messed up.
- No.

You sure, mushmouth?
You better be sure.

I'm sure.
Let's go.
Ta-ta, girls.
Oh, no.
It's empty.
I can't breathe.
Are they gone?
Yes. Can you stay with my friend
while I go get his medicine?

Take it easy, kid. You'll be okay.
You'll be okay.

Yeah? What are we gonna do...
...if they come back?
Want some?
- My dad, he died of the Big C.
- The Big C?

- Cancer. I was just a little kid.
- Yeah, my dad died too.
