Then we'll construct a 15 km long dike
to connect both islands to each other...
...and to Kawasaki and
Kisarazu on the mainland.
When the project is complete it will not only
provide a highway that circumvents the metropolis...
...but it'll use tidal height differences
to drain the water from the area.
In ten years it'll have created 45,
000 hectares of new land.
Enough to eliminate our land
problems for the rest of the century.
Like Babylon,
Tokyo will be an eternal paradise.
Project Babylon...
the biggest project of the century.
Given the difficulty of the
adjustments facing the participants...
...it might not've been completed in this century.
But Labor systems made it possible.
The basic research was
completed in the late 80's.
But if it weren't for the massive
demand for this project...
...it would never have
developed this quickly.
As a matter of fact, we have a total of
3600 Labors working here, large and small.
That's about 40% of the Labors
working in the entire country.
A Labor is a machine that can do
the work of ten men in less time...
...and this ocean project is only practical
because of an intensive use of them.
An old fairytale
is now coming true.
Mind you... we're now getting
things like Labor-crimes...
...which we couldn't
have imagined either.
Aaahh, that's your
specialty isn't it ?