Kidô keisatsu patorebâ: The Movie

Generally this is not something an
officer would have anything to do with.

Late last night, the president of Shinohara
lndustries himself filed a report...

:59:09 the Ministry of lnternational Trade and lndustry,
stating that HOS has a major flaw.

Taking the matter
quite seriously...

...the cabinet held an emergency
meeting early this morning.

They accepted Shinohara's case and settled
on rewriting HOS back to conventional OS.

To prevent any unnecessary panic
this process will be carried out...

...and described as a rewrite to a
new version of HOS, free of charge.

You're kidding ! What about Shinohara
lndustries' responsibility !

I'm being punished,
and he's getting away !

Isn't it more fair to punish
both sides in a fight ?!

What the hell do you
think police are for ?!

Police investigations aren't
used to support family feuds !

how about that.

You guys knew the
truth and were...

...dealing under the
table the whole time !
