and sent back the diskette.
Inside is the same old OS.
You didn't have any problems, did you ?
Well, l sure was glad when l got the news
over there that HOS was a chancy thing.
But it's all thanks
to Sakaki's training.
Even if it was good, l didn't feel
like putting in some suspicious new HOS.
If anything happened I'd
take full responsibility.
So off l went, secret in my heart.
Well, it sure was a success !
Right ?
But nobody ever heard about it ?
Funny...I told Goto when he called
me international long-distance...
You told the Chief ?
In other words,
he knew that if he didn't tell you..
...you'd work hard
enough to kill yourself.
He's at it again...
Now l know how Noa
was feeling earlier...
He's been playing me like a puppet.
..That middle-aged weasel...
Poor Asuma...