The Typhoon's about to hit !
Noa !
Listen up !
What is it ?
We've got a problem.
There's a possibility that someone's still here,
in the top floor subcontrol.
A file cross-check
says it's Eiichi Hoba.
It's a trap for sure !
But somebody's still up there.
will you go ?
Why Me ?!
It's too dangerous
without a Labor...
decision-making might be needed.
Ohta CAN'T handle it !
Go !
I'll support you from here...
Forward and backup are
two-in-one, right ?
And one more thing !
We don't have much time, so we'll proceed
with the original plan at the same time !
I heard HOS's true
nature was confirmed.
Chief Nagumo...
Yeah, we got a call from MIT saying
that they'd finally dissected the file.
So what's the verdict ?
We hit the jackpot.
A virus was planted in HOS.
It invades the backup
memory to start off...
...then it changes its name and gets
into every available space possible.
There's no doubt that any computer that comes
in contact with HOS will be contaminated.
By morning there's gonna
be one hell of a mess...
MIT has already started programming a vaccine,
but I wonder if it'll do the trick...
If only we'd known this half a day earlier,
they wouldn't have had to go by themselves...
We can't even send
in reinforcements...