To protect you from what?
The bad people.
Do you want to see
something else?
Come on.
See that?
You mean the tower?
I'm going to plant one
of my lasers on that antenna.
But I'll have to do it at night.
Otherwise the bad people
will know where it is.
Last one to the table
is a rotten banana!
Have you guys had fun?
Yeah. Be right out!
What you doing in there?
I'm lost.
Where is the dining room?
This house is huge.
- Follow me, silly.
- Whew.
These are beautiful pictures
of you and Dominic.
Thank you.
When I was putting
Dominic to bed...
he mentioned you had a son, too.
That's right.
But I'm divorced.
I'm lucky. My ex got remarried
to a very nice man.