Hold on. I'm right here.
Good boy.
All right. Just hold on.
Okay. Just hold on.
Oh, good. Okay.
I was going to put the lasers
in the antenna.
I know. Don't worry
about anything now.
I got you.
Just hold on tight now.
Hold on tight, okay?
If I lost Dominic...
I don't think
I could go on living.
You're not going to lose him.
That's right. I'm not.
Cullen said I stole his money
so these creeps would
follow us for a reward.
You don't know what he's like.
Oh, yes, I do.
I know him well.
That's why I don't
want him to get you two.
Can't trust you or anybody.
You can trust me.
That's what you said before.
And you turned out to be a cop.
I didn't mean
to hurt you.
I wish I was
a kindergarten teacher...
but I'm not.
I'm a cop.
That's all I know how to be.
I have to get out of here.
You have a son.
If you were me,
you'd do the same thing.
I have a son I've hardly seen
in seven years.
I don't mean anything to him.
My ex-wife got remarried.
She doesn't want me
to be part of his life.
I lost my family.
I should never
have let it happen.
Why are you telling me
all of this?
I don't want to lose you.
I don't want to lose Dominic.