y él juega conmigo mucho.
Thank you.
Very good.
Okay. Next, uh...
What's his name
with his back to me?
His name's Zach Sullivan.
He doesn't like anyone
to talk to him.
He's a poo-poo head.
He's a poo-poo face.
He's a ca-ca poo-poo.
He's a poo-poo ca-ca.
- Poo-poo ca-ca!
- Poo-poo ca-ca!
- Poo-poo ca-ca!
- Poo-poo ca-ca!
That's enough.
Hey, Zach.
Did your daddy
teach you this game?
Come on, Zach.
Let's all play together.
It's so much more fun.
Leave me alone!
What's that?
It's a fire alarm!
Come on, come on.
Everyone together!
Come on.
I'm on fire!
Come on. All together!
I'm on fire!
Very straight.
Very straight.
Come on, come on.
Get all together.
Everything together.
Come on.
Come on. Quiet.
Quiet! Come on.
Shh! Quiet.
Well, we're all glad
the kindergarten class
could join us.
That's four minutes.
You should be ashamed
of yourselves.
All the other grades...
your times were an improvement...
but they're still
not good enough.
But they're still
not good enough.
I'm very disappointed.
All right, let's get
back into school.