My husband has started
counseling about this.
He's been going
for three weeks now.
Please don't bring
the school system into it.
It will make matters worse.
He's beating you, too?
If he wasn't going
to counseling...
I could see the point
of saying something...
but I'm sure there won't be
any more occurrences.
You won't say anything,
will you?
If he does it again,
I press charges.
You got the stuff?
Thanks, man.
Here, lady.
I gave her your stuff.
Where's the rest of my money?
Who are you, old lady?
Your fairy godmother.
Come in.
Hi. It took all day...
but I found out Zach Sullivan
and his mother...
aren't related to Crisp.
I just found out.
Oh. I got a bottle of wine
for your big date...
It's not a date, I know.
But Joyce shouldn't think that.
Thanks. I don't think
it's a good idea.
Quickest way to slip up
doing undercover work
is doing things
you normally wouldn't do.
Wait a minute.
You mean you wouldn't take wine