...which was at first thought
to be the site
of an old cemetery, but proved
to be a dry pond bed
containing the remains
of s e v eral dead bodies.
A special forensic team under
the dire ction of the county coroner
has been helicoptered
to the site
to dig out the mass grave
and to try to determine
the victims' cause of death.
We'll bring you
more details...
Stop hiding
underneath those things.
Radio reception's shit.
So's our conversation.
You should be washed
in the blood...
If we beat this thing to death,
we're just going to get mad, right?
I don't want to fight
anymore, okay?
Me neither.
What's the point?
Once we get to Florida,
you're off to New York,
then it's Air Britannia
all the way, right?
We're over if we fight,
we're over if we don't fight.
I just need some time
on my own, okay?
I wanted you on this trip
so we could enjoy each other,
we could talk.
You mean talk or tiptoe around
the real issue with chit-chat?
Now you sound exactly like
my father. Great.
Hey, turn it up.
We're getting something.
...checkpoint at the site
of the mass grave
has caused the
first-ever traffic jam
in the history of the interstate.
So if you're
a curious motorist,
be ready to prov e
you're not a killer,
or you may have to spend the night
with a bunch of dead people.
Stay tuned...
Could be worse.
At least we're not as bad off
as those people in that body pit.
- They were murdered.
- Mmm.
My God, they had
to have been.
They didn't jump in with big
grins and bathing suits.
They ought to fry that sucker
if the find him.
Violence is no answer
to violence.