Little California
Daddy's girl, huh?
Bitch says fill it up. I'll fill it
up for you, mascara face.
Make you moan.
Make you moan
real good.
You're gonna like it.
You like me, don't you?
What's the matter,
Don't you
get uppity on me.
It's all right, ma'am.
You ain't giving the lady
a hard time now, are you?
I ain't bothering
nobody, mister.
- Thanks.
- Don't mention it.
He's a little touched.
Been that way ever since he lost his
job over at the old slaughterhouse.
Sort of the town loony,
you might say.
Well, looks like you had
yourself a little mishap here.
We hit a little animal
on the road.
Oh? Who's we?
A friend and I.
We, uh...
I killed it.
Well, I wouldn't
worry about that.
There's road kill
all over Texas.
Natural order of things.
If you were the last thing
I saw before I died,
I'd die a happy man.
Don't you ever
do that to me, bitch.
- Who's this?
- Hi.
You can call me Tex.