-James McGraw.
-Johnson. Harry Johnson.
-Good to meet you.
-Good to meet you.
I was just telling your wife...
what a wonderful spread
you have here.
I'm in grommet sales myself.
Grommets are those little
round plastic and metaI--
Yeah. I know what a grommet is.
-You do?
Oh, that's better
than most people.
-So, did you make your call?
-Yes, sir. Thank you.
And thanks for
that great coffee, Mrs. McGraw.
You're welcome.
Bye, little girl.
I love you.
We're at
Harbor Town Country Club...
in beautiful Hilton Head,
South Carolina...
where Harry Dobbs
is teeing off on the first hole.
Oh, he sliced that one
into the rough.
This has always been
a tough fairway for Dobbs.