I've been expecting your call.
What'd you find out?
Basically what you told me.
He is on a case.
Does he see her every day?
Uh, no. Only in the city.
Did you talk to him?
Yes, but by accident.
What'd you talk about?
Well, we didn't. We didn't. No.
His car broke down,
and I gave him a ride.
That was pretty stupid,
don't you think?
It was unavoidable.
Oh, yeah?
And what else was unavoidable?
Well, what is that
supposed to mean?
Your agency said
I could trust you.
Look, I am not going to have...
this conversation
with you, Doris.
They said a woman
could get closer to him.
Now that I know what they mean,
I want my money back.
Look, I'm going to get off
the phone now, all right?
If you want to replace me,
that is your privilege...
but right now
I'm going to get some sleep.
Yeah, for a long time,
because you're fired!
Fired? That's great.
What am I going to do?
Miss Dolan's room, please.
-I'm sorry. She's checked out.
Miss Dolan's checked out, sir.
Did she leave
a forwarding number?
No, sir, she didn't.
This better be good.
-Mr. Dobbs?
Oh, uh, Miss Dolan. Mm-hmm.
Rick called me.
I'm frightened.
Please come back.