..as a gang shoot-out in Lincoln Heights
tonight has left four dead.
Although less than one per cent
of Jamaican immigrants are involved,...
..Jamaican gangs, known as posses, are
now dominating the American drug trade,...
..with more than 10,000 members
trafficking drugs in 20 states.
According to Justice Department officials,
they are as disciplined as they are violent.
Torture and maiming are posse trademarks,...
..and posse gunmen are said to prefer
shooting their victims in public.
Sources estimate they have committed
1400 murders in three and a half years.
Dale Harimoto, WXTV, Chicago.
- Stay back. Watch it.
- Sheriff O'Dwyer.
- l'm Sheriff O'Dwyer. Who might you be?
- Roselli. FBl, OC task force.
- We're taking over here.
- By what authority?
United States Government Code,
Title 18, Section 111.
Go get their statements.
Keep the looky-loos out of the crime scene.
- You're excused, Sheriff.
- Roselli, l won't forget this.
You and your agents so much as spit on
the deck, and l'll personally write the citation.
Hatcher! Jesus Christ!
What the hell are you doin' back here?
Thought l'd visit my mother, you know?
l'm retired now.
Retired, huh? Well, that's cosy.
What the hell went down?
Gee, l don't know. What does it look like?
lt's a shoot-out... Colombians...
- What do you want me to say?
- Probably Tito Barco's clan.
- What would Tito Barco be doing up this far?
- Losing. The turf is spreading out, Hatcher.
The Jamaican posse's more organised than
the others. They got more guns, more balls.
Jimmy Fingers is giving them everything.
Jimmy Fingers...
ex-casino man out of Atlantic City.
That's a piece of cake.
You pop him, you got it.
- Why don't you help us out on this one?
- Cos l'm out.
- Come on, Hatcher. lt's in the blood.
- lf it's in the blood, l'll get a transfusion.
Lieutenant, may l see yuh for a moment? The
professor has found something interesting.
- Charles, how ya doin'?
- We'll see you around, Hatcher.