You bailed out a Jamaican, street name
Monkey, the other day. l want him.
This other piece of shit - Screwface -
l want him.
You're a scumbag and a puke.
l don't mind that.
Gimme what l need, l leave here a nice guy.
You don't, l fuck you up.
You fuckin' know better than that, Hatcher.
Come here. l just wanna talk to you
for a minute. Come here.
The Mob throws you out of Atlantic City.
Now you sell guns to the Jamaicans.
Fuckin' sell anything to anybody, except you.
Wouldn't sell you the sweat off my balls!
- ls that right?
- Yeah.
Watch it!
- You're a fuckin' dead man, Hatcher!
- Yeah?
l'm fuckin' Jimmy Fingers!
l'm a made fuckin' man!
God made men.
l wanna know where Screwface is.
- Screwface? Me don't know no Screwface.
- Really?
Hm. That's strange.
- Does that remind you?
- Just shoot me now, man!
l got a better idea. We're gonna go for a ride.
Everybody's gonna see us, and Screwface
is gonna find out what good buddies we are.
Come on.
- Let's go! Let's go!
- All right, man! All right!
Just easy. l will take you.
Good. l wanna get there while l'm still young.
Screwface kill me
a t'ousand deaths worse dan you.
- Yeah?
- Find him your fuckin' self!