Death is dwelling on the past
or staying in one place too long.
Remind me to get you
a decent pair of shoes.
I don't want any.
Don't be ridiculous.
All women want new shoes.
But those are from him.
Him? Oh, him.
Charlotte says he'll visit one day.
How will he know we're here?
The one thing
you can rely on about your father
is that he can't be relied on.
I only have one memory of my father.
At least, I think it was my father.
Honey, it's an eclipse. Put these on.
One day he'll come back.
I just hope he can find us.
Dear God, please
don't let us be leaving right away.
Please let me stop lying all the time.
Please don't let me fall
in love so much.
Please let someone fall in love back.
And please send me a sign.
"Maintenance man
for apartment house or hotel."
"Experienced mechanic.
Sheet metal worker."