and I won't knock the religion
of your choice for a week.
Who's that?
My history teacher. He's nice.
He's an asshole.
You haven't spoken to him yet.
I don't need to speak to him.
He's driving an Edsel, for Chris sake.
We can't beat Stockton's Little League
if you don't release him.
Agendas are here and refreshments are
Hi. I'm glad you came tonight.
You have 2 weeks, I need one day.
I'll think about it.
Hi. Is your mom here?
How are you?
Good. I'm even better now.
Are any of these yours?
No. Mine are grown and long gone.
Where's Mrs. Landsky tonight?
She's long gone too.
Oh, you're a widower.
No, she's just gone.
Some punch?
She just up and left one day right
in the middle of vacuuming.
Didn't even switch the damn thing off.
Is there a Mr. Flax?
No. He too made a rather sudden
and unexpected departure.
Was he vacuuming?
No. I was in labor with Charlotte.
Yeah, and to add insult to injury
the son-of-a-bitch stole
my car to leave in.
A red Buick convertible
with white sidewall tires.
It still pisses me off.