Where is she?
Onward Christian soldiers
I want to lead a violent
and exciting life!
Excuse me.
I seem to be having engine trouble.
Who is it?
It's just a young girl.
I'm a shepherd who's lost my flock.
Your folks know where you are?
They know exactly where I am.
Especially my dad.
He's that kind of guy.
you're talking like a crazy person.
I'm glad you're here,
but you don't need to stay.
I'll always be here for you.
Okay, I won't always be here for you.
Just sometimes.
If I feel like it,
or if I'm in the neighborhood.
She's doing this to turn my hair white.
She has a problem
and she's too frightened to tell you.
Why would she be frightened?
Rachel, you can be a little abrasive!
Even I'm scared
to talk to you sometimes!