
What is it? What happened?
The President's been shot!
The President's been shot!
Benny, turn that off!
Governor Connelly
was struck in the chest.

Unconfirmed reports say the President
was hit in the head.

That's an unconfirmed report.
The President's wife was not hurt.
She entered the hospital
at Kennedy's side.

A newsman said he was riding behind
the President in the parade.

After the shots were fired,
he looked up at the 6th floor
of the Texas Book Depository.

He saw the rifle pulled back in.
I want my father.
Please God, I want to talk to my father
20 feet away when it happened.
Tell us exactly what you saw, sir.
He was coming down the street.
My 5-year-old and myself
were by ourselves on Palmer Street.

I waved, and the m...
The man...
That's all right.
Go ahead.
As he was waving, a shot rang out.
He slumped down.
His wife reached up toward him.
He was slumping down
and the second shot went off
and knocked him down.

Two shots?
Did you see who...
I did not see the man who did it.
I'm sorry.
I can't help more, but I won't forget.
Here is a flash
from the Associated Press.

Dateline: Dallas.
Two priests who were
with the President say

he is dead of bullet wounds.
There is no confirmation.
This is what we have on a flash basis
from the Associated Press.

We have two men...
who administered the last rites
of the Catholic Church to the President

President Kennedy
has been assassinated. It's official.
