Excuse me.
I seem to be having engine trouble.
Who is it?
It's just a young girl.
I'm a shepherd who's lost my flock.
Your folks know where you are?
They know exactly where I am.
Especially my dad.
He's that kind of guy.
you're talking like a crazy person.
I'm glad you're here,
but you don't need to stay.
I'll always be here for you.
Okay, I won't always be here for you.
Just sometimes.
If I feel like it,
or if I'm in the neighborhood.
She's doing this to turn my hair white.
She has a problem
and she's too frightened to tell you.
Why would she be frightened?
Rachel, you can be a little abrasive!
Even I'm scared
to talk to you sometimes!
She's a kid! Don't ride her too hard.
Don't lecture me on parenting!
When she comes, I'm leaving.
You wonder why she runs away?
Listen to yourself!
Are we fighting?
It relieves the tension!
The discotheques, which are nightclubs
have been very popular
in Europe and South America for years.
Paris has about 100 of them.
This is the frug a combination twist
and hitchhike.
That's Killer Joe,
society's favorite dancing teacher.
Killer Joe is also available
as a party stimulator.