Mrs Crain? Are you kidding?
She couldn't find her ass
with both hands.
Has she ever done anything this strange
She did get sent home
from school once before.
For licking chalk off a blackboard.
her tongue was yellow for a week.
Why did she do that?
I don't know.
She read in a book that a Saint had
a vision after licking a wall.
The teacher sent home a note saying
Charlotte had psychological problems.
What did you do?
We moved.
I heard you ran away.
You okay?
You want to talk about it?
It's kind of complicated.
I was worried.
Joe, tell me about your girlfriend.
My girlfriend?
There's nothing to tell.
Did you love her?
Yes, I did.
But her family moved away
and I never saw her again.
People in town talk
as if something happened
between us, but it didn't.
Joe, do you like babies?
Sure. I love babies.
Some day I hope to have a whole bunch.