I'll do it.
Oh, that is so neat.
It's beautiful.
So how's that? Sitting under the ocean.
Flying fish and everything.
It's good.
Oh, dinner's ready!
Let's eat. I'm so hungry.
You did all that
in one evening and cooked too?
Charlotte we have to thank for dinner.
A feast to put Sophia to shame.
Where did you learn how to do this?
Home Economics.
If the way to a man's heart is through
his stomach, there's hope for you yet.
Personally, I don't think that's true.
What do men care about?
According to Lou, it'll ruin baseball.
Not to mention the civilized world.
If you want a boyfriend,
you better start caring about it too.
If you marry Lou, he can be our dad.
We have a dad.
I've never seen him.
He wouldn't make me an ocean.
Can we sleep over?
I'll think about it.
Actually, you should have 2 forks.
You know what happened
if we used the wrong fork
when I was a kid?
We had to stick them in the ground.
Even if the ground was frozen.
We called it the hardware garden.
Believe that?
That's nothing. This kid's uncle died
and got sprinkled in the garden.
That's nothing.
St. Maragaret of Antioch got eaten
by a dragon. And it burst!