This is not your family.
If you want to be close, dial direct.
But don't do it through my kids.
Never in my life have I wanted to hit
a woman as much as I do you.
When you are wrong
you're so wrong, it's scary!
You've never done something
just to make somebody happy?!
What do you want?
A little trust would be nice!
And if you care about us,
would it kill you to show it?!
What do you mean, us?
Since when did you
and my kids become us?
You're just you, Lou.
Me and the girls, that's us!
I was talking about you and me.
If you don't hurry,
it'll be New Year's Day!
You'll miss the party!
Here's a little something.
An arm!
This year, Mom!
All right. Here's a little more!
Are you ready?
This is boring!
One, two, three, here I am!
You're a mermaid!
No, I'm a lumberjack! A salesman!
You're beautiful!
What do you think?
If I'd had this when you were little
I'd have done my ironing
and the diapers in it.