He bet $20 they couldn't name 3
players that batted over.400.
Be right back.
Ty Cobb, Joe Jackson, Naps Lajoie!
You owe me twenty bucks.
Last day ever, every of this year.
Want to make some resolutions?
What are resolutions?
They're sort of like wishes.
I wish I could swim forever.
I wish I'd known Anne Frank.
And that I didn't lust
after Joe so much.
Put that right here. We can use that.
Why don't you stay and have a drink?
It's almost midnight.
Hi, handsome.
Nice caretaker's costume.
You look nice.
It's time you and I had a little dance.
Little Bo Peep.
Can you help with these?
Now, spin me.
Watch my tail.
I'm on pins and needles.
Did you win the $20?
What do you think?
I'm planning a pilgrimage.
To Lourdes?
No, Cooperstown.
Ask why.
I'll tell you.
I thought so.
The Baseball Hall of Fame.
Before I die,
there's 3 things I want from life.
To touch Lou Gehrig's glove.
To be in Florida for Spring Training.
And to take you with me.
Two out of three's not bad.
Ask me in a couple months.
If you're still here.
Two minutes everybody!
Turn up the TV.