so that there should be no ill feeling.
What it shows is that a kind of belief
is innate in all of us.
At some point
most of us lose that...
after which it can only be regained
by a conscious act of faith.
You've experienced that?
Uh, no, I haven't.
I-I hope to someday.
Actually, it wasn't my cab. I was just there
waiting for the light to change when it pulled up.
- I never take cabs.
- You never take cabs?
No, I either walk
or take public transportation.
- Why?
- A lot of reasons.
So you're one of those
public transportation snobs.
- You look down on people who take taxis.
- No, not at all.
That's how New York's seen,
at least in the popular imagination.
I don't think that there is
a popular imagination.
- What do you mean?
-Just that.
I don't think that there is
a popular imagination.
- Pomfret. Where did you go?
- Farmington.
Both of us did.
Did you know Serena Slocum there?
- ( Chuckles ) The inevitable question.
- What?
All the guys ask that. Serena had
an incredible number of boyfriends. At least 20.
She could manage it because
they were all at different schools...
and she wrote letters
incredibly quickly.
Three in a single study hall.
She became really famous.
It's incredible how naive some guys are.
How do you know Serena?
Actually, that might give someone
the wrong impression.
She wrote a lot of guys, but I'm sure
she liked some a lot more than others.
Oh, you think so? I never noticed that.
How do you know Serena?
I was one of her boyfriends.
You must be Pomfret.
- Your letters were really good.
- Yes.
- What do you mean?
- They were interesting.
Serena let you read my letters?
No. She read them aloud.
I can't believe it.
She only read us the ones
that she thought were really good.
Or really bad.
But yours were really good.
There was no suggestion of ridicule, if that's
what's worrying you. At least not that I can recall.
I remember a long letter you wrote Serena
about agrarian socialism.
I think it was one of the first things
to set Alice Dreyer off about Marxism.
Since then she's joined
the Red Underground Army.
If she blows herself up,
it'll be your fault.
It's actually surprising
to see you at something like this.