
I can't deny your point, but...
unlike you, I've always
assumed I'd be a failure anyway.

That's why I plan to marry
an extremely rich woman.

Pretty depressing.
A bit overstated, don't you think?
- I'm not so sure.
- ''Doomed.''

Even if he were right...
it wouldn't be any great tragedy if some
of these people lost their class prerogatives.

''These people'' are everyone I know.
And besides, it's not a question of losing
class prerogatives, whatever that means...

but the prospect of wasting
your whole productive life...

of personal failure.
That's so melodramatic.
Life is melodramatic,
if you look at the whole sweep of it.

I don't know.
I think my father
considers himself a failure...

although I don't think he's one.
I guess few people's lives...
match their own expectations.
I always drink two glasses of water
before going to bed anyway.

It's great for your complexion.
I thought I should mention I'm putting you
on the floor committee for the Christmas ball.

Essentially, all it means is, you'll be able to go
on your own rather than as someone's escort...

and that you'll get
a white carnation for your lapel.

Thanks a lot, but actually I'm not
planning to go to any more dances.

You weren't?
Well, I strongly advise you
to change your mind.

Is it that your resources
are limited?

This is about the only economical
social life you're gonna find in New York.

Music, drinks, entertainment,
hot, nutritious meals...

all at no expense to you.
Basically, all you need
is one suit of evening clothes...

and a tailcoat.
Dances are either white tie or black tie,
so you only need two ties.

- You rented that from where?
- A.T. Harris.

Oh, good!
You know about Harris.

They also sell them secondhand,
very inexpensively.

- It's a good arrangement.
- Thanks a lot.

My resources are limited,
but actually that's not it.

I know. You're opposed
to these parties on principle.
