- Yes.
- Exactly what principle is that?
Well -
The principle that one shouldn't be out
at night eating hors d'oeuvres...
when one could be home
worrying about the less fortunate.
Pretty much, yes.
Has it ever occurred to you
that you are the less fortunate?
I mean, there's something
a tiny bit arrogant...
about people going around feeling sorry
for other people they consider less fortunate.
Are the more fortunate
really so terrific?
Do you want some much-richer guy
going around saying...
''Poor Tom Townsend doesn't even have
a winter jacket - I can't go to any more parties''?
That's a bit cynical.
This is not just a matter
of what you personally prefer.
I'll tell you this in confidence.
You've made a big impression on these girls -
- Oh, come on!!
- No, I'm serious.
They like you and are now
counting on you as an escort.
Well, I like them, too,
but that doesn't -
I'm not sure if you realize this, but these girls
are at a very vulnerable point in their lives.
All of this is much more emotional
and difficult for them than it is for us.
They're on display.
They have to call the guys up
and invite them as escorts.
And preppy girls mature socially
much later than others do.
For many of them, this is the first
serious social life they've had...
and if you just disappear now,
they're gonna take that as personal rejection.
- Give me a break.
- I'm not entirely joking.
You should go.
IfThorstein Veblen were here,
he'd tell you the same thing.
I'll meet you at 4:30 at Brooks,
main floor, southwest corner...
where the pajamas intersect
with the expensive shirts...
right across from
the undershorts counter.
As a romance,
it never really existed.
- Really?
- I made a classic mistake.
I fell in love with Serena
long before I met her.
I'd seen her at a Chapin dance,
but I didn't really meet her until a year later.
Even before we started going out,
I'd built up this huge romantic vision about her.
It should be just the reverse.