Thanks, Mom.
I know how tight things have been.
- Things haven't been that tight.
- I'll pay you back next month.
Or in February.
- Has Dad called?
- He's never called here. You know that.
- I thought maybe his office had.
- No.
Thanks a lot.
- They're normally this long in the back?
- Yes, sir.
- Uh-huh.
- Like to try on the tuxedo?
Here you go.
I think I'd prefer one
more like the one I rented.
- That is the one you rented.
- Oh.
I didn't realize it looked like this.
I guess it'll be all right.
Thank you.
You haven't seen this?
Detachable collar.
Not many people wear them anymore.
They look much better.
So many things which were better in the past
have been abandoned for supposed convenience.
- I had no idea anyone wore those anymore.
- It's a small thing, but symbolically important.
Our parents' generation was never
interested in keeping up standards.
They wanted to be happy, but the last way
to be happy is to make it your objective in life.
I wonder if our generation's
any better than our parents'.
Oh, it's far worse. Our generation's probably
the worst since the Protestant Reformation.
It's barbaric, but a barbarism even worse
than the old-fashioned, straightforward kind.
Now barbarism is cloaked with all sorts
of self-righteousness and moral superiority.
- Will you look at this?
- You're obviously talking about
a lot more than just detachable collars.
Yeah, I am.
( Nick ) Because he's obviously
not an interesting guy.
Why is he so successful
with girls then?