- What are you looking at?
- My father's apartment.
- Where?
- The fourth floor.
- Corner apartment.
- That's Kate Preston's building.
Have your parents been divorced long?
The actual divorce
was three years ago...
but they were separated
for a year before that.
- Do you see your father much?
- We have lunch when I'm in town.
- That's very little.
- No, actually we have a very good relationship.
Probably much better than most people
who see their father all the time.
It's just that my stepmother is a writer
and having us around makes her nervous.
I read that Lionel Trilling essay
you mentioned.
- You really like Trilling?
- Yes.
I think he's very strange.
He says that nobody could like
the heroine of Mansfield Park.
I like her.
Then he goes on and on about how we modern
people of today with our modern attitudes...
bitterly resent Mansfield Park
because its heroine is virtuous?
What's wrong with a novel
having a virtuous heroine?
His point is that the novel's premise -
that there's something immoral in a group of
young people putting on a play- is simply absurd.
You found Fanny Price unlikable?
She sounds pretty unbearable.
But I haven't read the book.
- What?
- You don't have to have read a book
to have an opinion on it.
I haven't read the Bible either.
WhatJane Austen novels have you read?
None. I don't read novels.
I prefer good literary criticism.
That way, you get both the novelist's ideas
as well as the critic's thinking.
With fiction, I can never forget
that none of it ever really happened...
that it's all just made up
by the author.
One thing I like about him is
he doesn't say all the expected things.
He doesn't just agree with everything
everyone else is saying.
That's true. He disagrees
with everything everyone else says.
I'm not sure I prefer that.
He's quite good-looking though.
I think serious guys tend to be better-looking.