I'm not gonna forget about him
because of some apparent inconsistencies.
- You hardly even know him.
- I know him very well.
You couldn't.
You only just met him.
Well, I do.
I didn't know
you sent out Christmas cards.
Well, I haven't in years.
When we moved, do you know what happened
to my toys and things?
They were put in storage.
Do you think some of them
could have been sent to Dad's?
It's possible.
Why? Do you want them?
- You're a bit old for that sort of thing.
- No, I just had a feeling they went to Dad's.
- Well, why don't you call him then?
- I have. There's been no answer.
There's something about winter in the city
at night, with everyone dressed up...
that reminds me of War and Peace.
- Really?
- Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, I think so,
though I haven't read it.
( Quiet Chattering )
Well, I don't think ''preppy''
is a very useful term.
I mean, it might be descriptive for
someone who is still in school or college...
but it's ridiculous to refer to a man in his 7 0s,
like Averell Harriman, as a preppy.
And none of the other terms people use -
WASP, P.L.U., et cetera - are of much use either.
And that's why
I prefer the term ''U.H.B.''
- What?
- U.H.B.
It's an acronym for
urban haute bourgeoisie.
Is our language so impoverished...
that we have to use acronyms or French phrases
to make ourselves understood?
- Yes.
- U.H.B.
The term is brilliant
and long overdue.
But it's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it -
Wouldn't it be better
just to pronounce it simply ''UHB''?
Well, I didn't expect it
to gain immediate acceptance.