
But for someone like Von Sloneker,
that's just inciting.

So he swung into action
with a full rigamarole...

about how desperately
in love he was with her...

how she was the first girl
that ever made him feel that way...

how it was their obligation
to themselves...

to do everything they could
to live life to the fullest.

Polly had, meanwhile, quit her summer job
and joined his boat for the rest of the cruise.

He now completely ignored her.
She, in turn,
became obsessed with him.

Polly was a bit of a masochist
and prone to drink too much.

Von Sloneker exploited this
to get her drunk...

and had her-
Do you know what
''pulling a train'' means?

I don't think so.
When Von Sloneker had gotten her
blind drunk one night...

he talked her into pulling a train -
him, Victor Lemley,
the other crew member.

When she arrived at Wheaton for her first
semester, she was acting very strangely...

always wearing the same clothes...
never washing, except just putting on
more and more makeup and perfume.

She'd remain silent for hours...
and then talk obsessively
about Paul McCartney.

After two weeks,
she was sent to McLean's for treatment...

but was able to go home
to Virginia for Thanksgiving.

The day after Thanksgiving,
she went into their stables...

and killed herself.
I've heard about that girl,
and it wasn't Rick's fault.

She was just some girl who had a crush on him,
but whom he hardly knew.

She'd always had psychological problems
and was, in fact, a pathological liar.

It was very sad what happened,
but Rick had absolutely nothing to do with it.

( Nick )
I don't know.

She was carrying his photo
when she killed herself.

That doesn't mean anything.
- What an appalling story.
- Yep.

Not many people could know about it.
Von Sloneker could hardly
show his face around here.

- You really showed up Cynthia. Whew.
- Yeah.

That's what made it
worthwhile for me.
