
Well, have a seat.
Then just say you pass.
I pass.
I couldn't believe you were actually going to
play bridge. It's such a cliche of bourgeois life.

That's exactly why I play.
I don't enjoy it one bit.

I intended to go
and got as far as the door.

- What happened?
- My mother got upset.

She said that she couldn't face
being alone on Christmas Eve...

and that it was really important
that the family be together then.

My brother never comes home
at Christmas anymore.

So, anyway, I just stayed and had a traditional
Christmas with Channel 1 1 's traditional yule log.

Oh, yeah. I think I've seen that.
Noon on Christmas Day, every other year,
we go to my father's place.

I was a bit reluctant to go this year, actually,
because I hadn't been able to get in touch
with my father all week.

But my mother insisted.
It was a real nightmare.

First, the doorman at my father's building
wouldn't let me up.

I guess he didn't remember me there
from Christmas two years ago.

Then there was
some confusion and whispering...

and, finally, they gave me a piece of paper
with a Santa Fe, New Mexico address on it.

They told me he'd moved to Santa Fe.
I couldn't believe it.

They took me up to the apartment,
and except for some paper and litter...

and wire coat hangers lying around,
it was completely empty.

He hadn't told me
anything about moving.

It was quite a surprise.
That's awful.
There must be some explanation.

He must have written you or something,
and the letter got delayed.

I don't know.
And you had such a good relationship.
In retrospect, I wonder how good it was.
I hadn't seen him since last spring.

Maybe I was just kidding myself.
Oh, I've been reading Jane Austen.

I like it. I was surprised.
