Price check.
Uzi squirt gun.
What's up?
Got something for me?
I got the goods.
In the bag. Now!
Up against the wall. Now!
Be cool, brother.
Hey, he's got a gun!
Let's get out of here!
Move it!
Give me a day's notice
before it runs out, OK?
Tell me Tuesday.
Looky, we got
a million dollars.
We got a million...
Brazilian dollars.
Absolutely worthless.
"That's a lot
of money, man.
"That's a lot of
fucking money.
"I don't think you are
a Porsche customer...
"Mr. Frenger.
"I don't think you really
want to buy a Porsche.
Do you want to buy
a Porsche?"
No, man! I'm here
to waste my time.
How much for
the speedboat, man?
"Oh, the speedboat is
very expensive, sir.
That speedboat is $50,000."