Wrap it up, man.
Yeah. The bellman said...
some guy matching
the description...
got off a courtesy van.
Registered. Yeah.
Got a name?
Name was, uh...
Herman Gotlieb.
Yeah. I'm in the room
right now.
Coat's here, too.
Coat? What else?
Well, the bellman
also said...
the guy had
a hooker with him.
-A hooker?
No lie?
I got an address on her.
An address?
Oh, man.
Got a pen handy there,
Give me the hooker's
You showed up.
I brought you
a present.
Oh, really?
I got you one, too.
A present from a client.
Well, hey, I'm more
than a client.
"Shit happens when
you party naked!"
Look at us.
I was just gonna get you
the plain "Shit happens..."
but I thought you'd like
the "party naked" part.
Hey, that's the best part.
Hi. Um, circe salad, Noira.
It's real good, Junior.
Right away.
So, uh, Susie...
tell me how you wound up
living in Miami.
Oh, I got a job
at a Burger World...
up in Hollywood...
and I was gonna, you know...
save up and get
my own franchise...
but Pablo offered me
this job.
Well, it pays
a whole lot better.
This is a nice cup, Junior.
I'm gonna get a lot
of use out of this.
It's a good cup.
Hey, did you see
the swimmers?
That's why
I picked this place.