The doorbell.
Talk about dumb questions.
Susan Waggoner?
Can I come in?
I bet you're
Herman Gotlieb.
How much?
Sergeant Hoke Moseley.
Herman Gotlieb.
I'd like to ask you
a few questions. Routine.
Boy, you got
a grip there, Herman.
Been working out?
Can I get you
a cold one there, Sarge?
Well, why not?
Two Polars, honey.
You down at the airport
today, Herman?
Yeah, I was.
Somebody broke
the finger off
a Hare Krishna...
and the son
of a bitch died.
No shit?
No shit.
I didn't do it.
Oh, no, no, no.
We're just looking
for someone...
who might have seen
I'm curious, uh...
you own
a suede sport coat?
Yeah, I do.
OK. You're probably
the one.
Did you get on
the courtesy van...
to the Grand Prix Hotel?
Hey, fuck
this nonsense, man.
You're misunderstanding
this, Herman.
Who got killed?
You know, if I had
something better to do...
like sit at home
with a beautiful girl...
I wouldn't even be
bothering you, but, uh...
you were mentioned
as a possible witness.
See anything?
We got this
forensic dentist.
And l, uh, I talked him
into pulling my teeth...
and fixing me
some new chompers.
Well, it took two months
of his spare time.
And I got so used to
drinking without 'em...
I just pull 'em out.