Bother you?
you want me to fix
those pork chops now?
Hell, I'll put 'em
back in for pork chops.
Pork chops comin' up.
your fiancee...
is the best cook
in South Florida.
More taters?
So, Herman, where
did you do your time?
What do you mean?
Well, the way you're
guarding that food.
You know...
like another con could
take it away from you.
Well, I was raised
in foster homes, you know?
I didn't get no dessert
till I was in eighth grade.
I got a daughter
in the eighth grade.
Half my paycheck goes
to her orthodontist.
She's got your teeth, man.
Yeah. The joint's
about the only place...
you got time to work out
to get a grip like that.
I was an aerobics
Shoots the shit
out of that theory.
Any more Polars?