Back then, a lot of things
seemed to indicate...
that our bass resource in
many areas of the country...
was rapidly diminishing.
Today, there is
no doubt about it...
and I'm very concerned about
what the future holds...
for this great sport.
In simple terms...
we don't have the vast
water we once had...
and there are
several reasons for it...
illegal netting...
the pressure of removing
too many adult bass...
from their environment.
You know, they're kind of
like money in the bank.
I got news for you.
I'm not coming back.
I'm married.
I am so married.
I gotta go. Bye.
You like ham and eggs?
Drop it.
It smells good.
Who was that, anyway?
The cops rousted him.
I guess they're giving him
a hard time because of you.
We got to go for
a little ride, honey.
What about breakfast?
It was gonna be a surprise.
I was gonna bring it
in to you on a tray.
And then l...
Make it to go.