But why?
What's the purpose?
To make a living,
that's all.
You hire kids, so you
can pay 'em nothing.
And you watch 'em
real close...
or they will
steal you blind.
And...and you save
your money...
and you buy
a nice little house...
with a white picket fence.
And you live
happily ever after.
I tell you what.
Let's go straight...
to the "happily
ever after" part, OK?
I can't see any point...
in hanging out
at a Burger World...
no matter how much money
you're gonna make.
It's stupid.
You can forget about
Burger World, honey.
I'm gonna
take care of you...
and you're gonna
take care of me.
That's our purpose.
Do you know any
married people today?
Hmm? They're a team.
They pull together,
and they get rich.
They got it all.
And you know
that little house...
you were just
talking about?
I rented us one
in Coral Gables today.
Oh, Junior.
That's what you were
up to all day?
I'm gonna take
such good care of you.
He was a big guy, man.
Bigger than you.
Got up from the table,
said he was homicide.
Pulled a badge?
After he whacks the dude.
It was cold, man, ice cold.