Miami Blues

Where's Antonio?
On your feet, pal.
Turn around.
Move it.
Police raid!
Everybody freeze!

Run for it!
Yo! Hey, guys!
Come on back.
Where are you goin'?

Come on.
I got this covered!

At ease, officer.
I think you'd better
check with your superiors.

Remain silent.
Hey, I pay good money
to the right people, huh?

Were you out
at the airport today?

Was I out
at the airport today?

What, are you crazy?
You ever stood
in a line-up before?

Oh, yeah. I stood in
a line-up before.

OK. I want you to
line up there!

Hey, what the hell's
going on here?

Shut up!
You own a suede
sports coat?

Courtesy van?
You ain't no cop.
Oh, I'm a cop.
Prove it, slick.
You're not walking...

You crazy son of a bitch!
I'll kick the living shit...
Take it easy, Scanlan.
