I guess it was kind of a miracle
you finding me.
No, it wasn't a miracle at all.
- In a way, I was following you.
- You were following me?
Well, it was no secret to me
you were staying at the Silver Creek,...
..seeing as how
I'm your number one fan an' all.
Some nights I'd just tool on
down there and sit outside...
..and look up at the light in your cabin.
I'd try to imagine what was going on
in the room of the world's greatest writer.
- Say that again, I didn't hear you.
- Don't move now.
I wouldn't wanna hurt this neck.
Well, the other afternoon
I was on my way home...
..and there you were, leaving the lodge.
I wondered why a literary genius would
go for a drive with a big storm coming.
I didn't know there
was a big storm coming.
Well, lucky for you I did.
Lucky for me, too,...
..cos now you're alive
and you can write more books.
Oh, Paul, I've read everything of yours.
The Misery novels -
I know 'em all by heart.
All eight of 'em. I love them so.
- Well, you're very kind.
- And you're very brilliant.
Like a baby. All done.
Thank you.
When do you think the phone lines'll
be up? I have to call my daughter,...
..and I'd like to call my agent
and let her know I'm still breathing.
It shouldn't be much longer.
Once the roads are open,
the phone lines'll be up in no time.
If you give me their numbers
I'll keep trying.
Thank you.
Could I ask you a favour?
I noticed in your case
there's a new Paul Sheldon book.
I wondered if maybe...
- You want to read it?
- Well, if you wouldn't mind.
I do have a hard-and-fast rule as to
who reads my stuff at this early stage.