
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not against marriage per se,...

..but it'd take a pretty special guy to make
me wanna walk down that aisle again.

Yeah, it's, uh, not something
you should enter into lightly.

It boils down to respect.
People just don't respect
the institution of marriage any more.

They have no sense of real commitment.
Well, I'd love to stay here and chat,...
..but I'm right at the end
and I gotta find out what happens.

(door opens and closes)
You dirty bird... How could you?
She can't be dead!
Misery Chastain cannot be dead!

Annie, in 1871
women often died in childbirth.

Her spirit is the important thing.
Misery's spirit is still alive.

I don't want her spirit! I want her!
And you murdered her!
No... I didn't.
Who did?
No one. She... she died,
she just slipped away.

Slipped away? Slipped away?
She didn't just slip away! You did it!
You did it! You did it!
You did it! You did it!
You murdered my Misery!

I thought you were good, Paul.
But you're not good.
You're just another lying old dirty birdie.

And I don't think I better
be around you for a while.
