Right. Right. As soon as we know
anything, we'll let you know.
No bother at all. Call any time.
Bye, Miz Sindell.
All right. Well, I sure
appreciate it. Thank you.
According to Sheldon's credit charges,
there's nothing after the Silver Creek.
And no calls about the article, either.
You poor, dear thing.
What are you doing on the floor?
It's all my fault.
If I'd had a proper hospital bed
this never would've happened.
Here, let me help you back in.
(Paul groans)
I know this hurts,
but it'll only take a few seconds.
Oh... Ow...
- Oh, please, wait, wait...
- Oh, you're such a crybaby.
There you go. Comfy?
- Perfect.
- You're such a kidder.
I have a big surprise for you.
But first there's something you must do.
You don't suppose I could have a little
snack while I'm waiting for the surprise?
I'll get you everything you want,
but you must listen first.
Sometimes my thinking
is a little muddy, I accept that.
It's why I couldn't remember all they
asked me on the witness stand in Denver.
But this time I thought clearly.
I asked God about you,...
..and God said "I delivered him unto you
so that you may show him the way."
- Show me the way?
- Yes.